10 Fun Educational Games to Ease Your Child Back into Learning

As the back-to-school countdown begins, it’s not just about uniforms and stationery – it’s time to get those brains back into learning mode! Transitioning from summer fun to school routines can be tricky for kids (and parents!), but there are plenty of ways to make it enjoyable.
From puzzles to family-friendly challenges, we’ve rounded up 10 fun and easy educational games that will help your child warm up their mind while still enjoying the last days of holiday. Let’s dive into some brain-boosting fun!
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1. Family Quiz Night
Turn learning into a lively quiz night! Create rounds based on different subjects like history, maths, and science, or go for fun trivia about animals, sports, or your family. Rotate hosting duties and add silly prizes or forfeits for extra laughs. This not only works on memory and recall but also provides quality family time.
2. Word Search or Crossword Challenges
Boost vocabulary and spelling skills with simple word searches or crosswords. Print them from the internet or grab a puzzle book (or did you know you can make your own on Busy Things?). Make it competitive by timing each other or creating themed puzzles based on your child’s interests.
3. Maths Treasure Hunt
Combine outdoor fun with maths! Set up a treasure hunt with maths problems or puzzles hidden around the house or garden. Each clue leads to the next, with a reward at the end. Tailor the difficulty to your child’s level for a mix of physical activity and mental exercise.
4. Memory Tray Game
Improve concentration with this classic game. Place a few items on a tray, let your child study them, then cover and ask them to recall what they saw. Increase the challenge by adding more objects or setting a time limit. It’s a fun way to boost memory skills for the whole family.
5. Alphabet Scavenger Hunt
Boost literacy with an A-Z scavenger hunt! Give your child a letter, and they find an object starting with that letter. This game helps with letter recognition and can be adapted for older kids by focusing on more complex words or creating stories based on the items found.
6. Pretend Shop
Transform your living room into a shop! Price household items, give your child a budget, and let them “shop” while practicing addition, subtraction, and budgeting. Switch roles for added fun and financial learning.
7. Brain-Boosting Bingo
Create bingo cards with educational themes like times tables or spelling words. Mark off squares when your child answers correctly. This is a fun way to review and practice skills, especially for subjects needing extra attention.
8. Build-a-Story Game
Foster creativity and language skills by starting a story with a sentence, then let each family member add to it. This game enhances grammar, vocabulary, and sequencing skills while stretching imagination.
9. Educational Games Apps and Websites
Explore educational apps and websites for interactive edu-tainment! Platforms like Busy Things offer fun learning games that cover maths, literacy, phonics, art, coding and the whole primary curriculum. These tools make screen-time productive and fun, helping your child to brush up on essential skills in an engaging way.
10. DIY Science Experiments
Spark curiosity with simple science experiments at home. Try making a volcano with baking soda and vinegar or creating a rainbow with water and a torch. These activities are not only fun but also teach scientific concepts in an engaging way.
Let the Games Begin!
Getting your child’s brain back into gear doesn’t have to be a chore. These fun, family-friendly games will help your child start the school year sharp and ready to learn, while keeping summer fun alive!
Do you have any favorite educational games or back-to-school traditions? Share your ideas in the comments! And don’t forget to check out our 10 Easy Back to School Traditions To Try This Year blog for more tips to make the start of the school year fun and stress-free.
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