Busy Things’ A.I. Lesson Planner: Available Now!

Lesson planning has just got easier with Busy A.I., Busy Things’ virtual lesson planner, which is available on the Busy Things platform right now!
Drawing off Busy Things’ curriculum-linked activities and the Internet as a whole, time spent structuring your lesson and finding appropriate resources could become a thing of the past.
How does Busy A.I. work?
Simply follow Busy Things’ step-by-step process, indicating the age group the lesson is for, the subject and topic area it should cover and the resources/devices you have available to you, click “Generate lesson plan” and Busy A.I. will do the rest.

In minutes, you’ll have a range of activities to choose from. The Busy Things’ activities will appear on the left whilst other ideas will sit on the right.

Once you’ve made your selection and put them in the order you’d like to use them, you can:
- review your lesson’s timings and
- specify the exact materials you’ll need (fact sheet, quiz) right down to the format you’d like it in.

You’ll notice as you go through the process, some elements are followed by a rainbow-coloured ‘Busy Things verified’ note. This indicates that this text can be 100% trusted as it’s sourced from the Busy Things’ platform.
5 reasons to try Busy A.I., Busy Things virtual lesson planner
- Ease of use. Busy A.I. is so easy to use. Simply follow the prompts and select the elements you need. Busy A.I. can even help you with time management as it estimates how long each part of the lesson will take.
- Curriculum-aligned. Busy Things’ activities are curriculum-aligned so you can be confident the lesson plans they’re included in are too!
- Engaging. Busy A.I.’s first port of call is Busy Things 1,600-strong activity base, so you know the content in your lesson plan is going to be super quality and engaging for your pupils to learn with!
- Time-saving. Busy A.I. can have the bulk of your lesson prepared in minutes.
- Available in multiple formats. How you have your lesson delivered is completely up to you. Busy A.I. can:
- Pin it directly to a setup of your choice for easy, paper-free access
- Prepare it as an editable PowerPoint presentation including links and QR codes to the Busy Things’ activities
- Produce downloadable notes as a PDF document for you to use in class.
Please note: Busy A.I. is still in beta testing and is a work in progress. As with any form of A.I. tool, it can go off track and deliver false or unhelpful information. We therefore recommend that you check the results before using them in class, verifying in particular that they are age-appropriate for your target age group.
We’d love to know what you think!
We’re delighted to have joined the A.I. revolution with our new Busy A.I. lesson planner and are confident it’s going to be a real game-changer for teachers when it comes to creating quality lesson plans quickly and easily. It’s not perfect as yet but is definitely the start of a project that we believe will be transformative (just as the Internet has been).
We’d love for you to let us know your thoughts and suggestions for improvements and additions. If you’re a subscribing school, please get in touch via phone, email or any of our social channels. If you’re from a school new to Busy Things, your opinions are just as welcome to us, so please take a free trial, use Busy A.I. and feedback any thoughts to us by emailing enquiries@busythings.co.uk.