Christmas Countdown: Play Cracker Stackers!

9 Sleeps to go! Your 16th December Merry Monster Mission is:
Play Cracker Stackers!
We’ve got a cracking FREE download for you today as the monster elves are getting ready for a big Christmas cracker-athon! AND our Rocker Shocker game will be FREE TO PLAY on Busy Things this week too! Read on for details…
Join in the Christmas Countdown!
Are you joining in with #MerryMonsterMayhem? The cheeky Busy Things Yellow Monsters are setting Merry Monster Missions for each day of the Christmas countdown, giving you FREE access to festive games and FREE printable Christmas activities!! This way to lots more free Christmas activities: Merry Monster Mayhem! FREE festive fun!
Free Christmas Maths Fun!
Can you help split the monsters into equal groups ready for pulling their Christmas crackers? Count the monsters and alter the white set to match the yellow set by crossing out monsters or drawing extra monsters (or just circles!). Download FREE below…

Cracker Stackers was inspired by our popular game Rocker Shocker. Just one of the MANY fun maths games on Busy Things. All of our educational games are full of funny sounds and animations to make children laugh and encourage them to enjoy learning! With levels to suit ages from 3 up to 8, children can practise their mental maths and subitising skills.
We’ll made Rocker Shocker FREE TO PLAY this week too! Keep reading for details…

This week (from 16th December) you can play Rocker Shocker FREE!

Rocker shocker is a great, funny game for children to practise their subitising and mental maths skills.
Count the number of monsters on the
right pan, then match it by dropping
monsters onto the left pan or removing
monsters from it.
They’ll get a shock when they’re balanced but don’t worry, no monsters are hurt in the playing of this game!
Like all Busy Things games, Rocker shocker is full of funny sounds and animations to make children laugh and enjoy learning!
Head to and hit ‘Try a free game’ to play now!
It’s FREE TO PLAY for a limited time only so, go go go!

Improve confidence and reinforce what they’re learning at school, through play!
Not a Busy Things subscriber? You can trial all our fun learning games FREE!
Discover 100s of FUN educational games and activities covering the full primary curriculum – writing, phonics, maths, art, climate change, coding and many, MANY more! For ages 3-11. Up to 5 children per family, each child has their own profile filled with customised content.
Developed with teachers and trusted by 1,000s of schools, parents can be assured their
children are having lots of fun AND learning too!
Take your free Busy Things trial now and you’ll be able to access all of our Christmas activities!
Let us know what you think!
We hope you enjoy playing Cracker Stackers and Rocker Shocker! We’d love to know if you are joining in with #MerryMonsterMayhem, please do let us know in the comments. We LOVE to see photos of Busy Things being enjoyed too, please do tag us on social!
More Merry Monster Mayhem…
Merry Monster Mayhem! FREE festive fun!
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