FREE Gardening Pack for Schools

FREE Gardening Pack for Schools

Children's National Gardening Week blog image

With both National Gardening Week (28th April – 4th May) and National Children’s Gardening Week (24th May – 1st June) coming up in the next couple of months, we thought it was a great opportunity to showcase what Busy Things offers when it comes to gardening activities.

Gardening in the real world

We love gardening, getting our hands dirty and seeing things grow. Gardening is a great activity, that is really practical and fantastic for developing children’s concentration skills. In addition to this, it can be both analytical and creative, so has something that appeals to everyone.

If you’re looking for some easy-to-do gardening activities in school, look no further than in our FREE Gardening Pack. In it, you’ll find a low-cost experiment where your pupils can grow a plant from seed in your window, as well as an experiment that helps you see just how water travels from a plant’s root to its leaves.

Find out more by downloading the pack today!

Virtual gardening

Even with the best of intentions, it’s not always possible to get outdoors and develop children’s gardening skills with hands-on activities in school. Sometimes schools simply don’t have enough space to dedicate to it; sometimes the weather just turns nasty; sometimes you have to move on before the results are there for you to see.

No matter what the issue, it’s great to know you’ve got Busy Things online activities as a trusty backup. Below is a small selection of the activities we offering around gardening and plants:

  • The gardener
The gardener

The gardener is a great activity to show young children how plants develop from seeds, flower and then go on to create new plants.

Play The gardener here!

  • ‘Parts of a …’ series
Parts of a plant - basic

Busy Things has activities that look at parts of a plant, a flower and a tree.

Parts of a plant and parts of a flower have two versions: basic for younger pupils; intermediate for older ones.

Play Parts of a plant – basic here!

  • Common flowers and trees
Common flowers

These interactive worksheets are fantastic activities that will help your pupils identify the flowers and trees that can be found around your school and locality.

Play Common flowers here!

  • Plant life cycles
Plant life cycle

Moving on from The gardener, the life cycles activities allow children to explain the stages of the process in their own words.
There are different versions for flowers, fruit trees and animal dispersion, and a huge array of Clip art to bring the subject matter to life.

Play Plant life cycles here!

Want to play the activities?

As part of this blog, we have made some of the Busy Things activities free-to-play until 1st June. These activities are: The gardener, Parts of a plant, Common flowers and Plant life cycles.

Want to see more?

If you’d like to see the other activities mentioned and are already a subscriber or trialist, simply log in and type the name of the activity desired into the ‘Search’ Teacher tool.

If you’ve not got a login, it’s very easy to get one. Simply take one of our 28-day free trials. Just click here to set it up. If you’d like help looking around, we also offer free demonstrations via Zoom. To organise one, simply contact us here.

This blog has been revised and updated for 2025.

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