Our eye-catching posters, featuring some of the characters from our educational resources, will encourage your pupils to keep trying.

Click here for A3 posters!

Click here for A4 posters!

All you need to do is print them out and display them.


Teaching and learning with Busy Things

We bought Busy Things to support learning and increase engagement of students with interactive boards. We are a special school and the pupils with ASD love it!


It supports lessons well and we often use it as a starter or a reward after finishing a task. At the moment, we are looking at habitat and the mapping/rainforest stuff is awesome. It helps students to practise and often they will want to use it in their own time, lunch etc.,


Steven Crawford, Currimundi Special School, Queensland, Australia

(The school uses the Australian version of Busy Things.

English and Scottish curriculum versions are also available.)

Busy Things is used by 4,000+ Early Years and primary settings in the UK and around the world.


Play our Feed the monkey

maths activity free now!

For the best experience, Busy Things’ activities are best played on a tablet, laptop, desktop or interactive whiteboard. They can be used with eye gaze and other accessibility aids.

Feed the monkey maths activity

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