All content is fully mapped to the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (EYFS)
Use these five games to encourage children to explore the world by making creatures, feeding worms, watering flowers, playing dress-up, and finding the odd one out! Includes four printable resources.

Our maths games for nursery kids will help children begin to recognise numerals, order numbers and count out quantities of donuts to feed the monkey! Includes three printable resources.

We’ve got five open-ended art games to encourage exploration and creativity. Even novices can create fabulous art with a single click of the mouse or touch of the screen. Includes printable colouring sheets.

Children can sing along to our alphabet song, trace letters, play with our word robot and learn to recognise everyday sounds. Includes letter tracing worksheets.

Children can play along to nursery tunes and easily compose their own music, experimenting with rhythm, pitch and colour.

Children can navigate mazes, complete sequences, direct a helicopter and trace shapes to help improve their spatial awareness, pattern recognition and navigation skills. Includes three printable supporting resources.

Not in England?
We cover all areas of Learning and Development within the EYFS, and our preschool games can easily be adapted to suit other early years programmes around the world. Busy Things for Nurseries is also mapped to the Scottish and Australian curricula — learn more here.
Access our top 30 fun online games in this special version of Busy Things, made just for nurseries and pre-schools.
With our nursery resources, pre-school children will have fun working with letters, numbers, shapes, problem solving, traditional tales, music and art!

Busy Things is a safe online environment
All of our online nursery games are completely safe, and you can lock children into a specific area or game to help keep young minds on the task at hand!

Develop creativity and self-confidence
Open-ended games and activities encourage children to explore, experiment and develop their creativity and self-confidence.

Engage all types of learners
A wide range of activities ensures there is something to suit all types of learners.
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