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Primary Resources for Maths: KS2, KS1 & EYFS
Busy Things contains a whole host of maths resources to engage your students and make teaching this tricky subject both fun and easy!
Our EYFS maths activities will help get Early Years children counting, ordering, adding and subtracting in no time at all. Older students will be encouraged to count in multiples and take on multiplication, division and fractions with our maths resources for KS2 and KS1. An abundance of Primary maths resources support other areas of the curriculum, including shape, symmetry, money, and time.
You can use our maths widgets to demonstrate particularly tricky concepts at the front of class. And our quizzes will give you a quick picture of how the children are progressing and where they are struggling.
All of our maths resources for teachers are aligned with the National Curriculum, and have been checked and approved by our expert team of teacher advisors, so you can be sure that all material covered will help your students to reach the Primary and Early Years learning objectives. And if that wasn’t enough, there’s also a wealth of time-saving Teacher features that will make planning and organising lessons that much easier.
When you subscribe to Busy Things for Schools, you won’t just get access to our incredible Primary maths resources — we also have teaching tools, games and activities for every other subject in the curriculum, including English, Phonics, Science, History, Geography, and Art and Music. Why not learn more and try it for yourself with a free 28-day trial?
Maths Games for Early Years
Busy Things offer a multitude of EYFS maths activities, including games that will help you teach pre-school children to count out loud, recognise one more and one less, and match numerals to groups of objects. We also have games that will teach them how to recognise shapes, create patterns and navigate through mazes.

Number games, shape games, maze games and more!
Maths Games for Key Stage 1
Our maths resources for KS1 will soon have your children recognising place value, ordering and rounding numbers, as well as making calculations using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Other activities at KS1 level involve working with simple fractions, money, shapes, and graphs.
All the activities can be used by pupils working on their own, in small groups, or at the front of class taking turns.

Play with graphs, counting in multiples, shapes, fractions and more!
Maths Games for Key Stage 2
For older children, our maths resources for KS2 include quizzes that will give you a quick picture of how the children are progressing and help you pinpoint the areas where they are experiencing difficulties. Quizzes can be enjoyed individually, in small groups, or by the whole class as a team.
You can use our maths widgets to demonstrate and discuss the more challenging concepts at the front of class.

More advanced topics include time, area, fractions and measure.
Use the Busy Box for quick-fire revision!
The Busy-Box area contains rapid-fire mini games on a range of mathematical topics. By working together, children can play in quick succession to collect stars to help your school work their way up the national leader board!
Busy Box is particularly good for practising acquired numeracy skills, which means it’s perfect for Golden Time!
Busy Box is only available for children up to the age of six.
Sound like something you'd like to have in your classroom?

You can try Busy Things for 28 days with our free trial.
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